Some 13 million people in the UK did their festive clothes washing the day after Boxing Day last year, that’s according to research from ACE, the global laundry cleaning brand. The day (December 27th) was been christened Chore Tuesday and saw the nation pile over 183,243 tonnes of clothing into their washing machines on this day alone – using enough water to fill 1,077 Olympic sized swimming pools.
On this day Brits spent on average two hours and 11 minutes washing clothes worn over the festive period, meaning that Chore Tuesday resulted in a total of around 30 million hours of washing in one day. December 27th is also the day for cleaning the house as well as clothes, with almost 16.5 million people putting this day aside to tidy up, following Christmas festivities and ahead of New Year’s celebrations.
According to our research, the top five toughest festive stains to remove were:
1) Red wine
2) Grease from the meat
3) Gravy
4) Candle wax
5) Cranberry sauce
The research also concluded that over one in five people blame their spouse or partner for the worst stains.
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